The South African problem cannot be left to the government to solve on their own. It has to be tackled by all organizations, both public and private, of all sizes and in all industries. Collective responsibility requires shared solutions based in best practice. Many organizations try to solve these problems on their own, sometimes calling for assistance from strategy consultants or industry experts.
Where MPSSS differentiates itself in the marketplace, is in creating and implementing solutions for its clients based on the knowledge that enterprises need to serve a wider group of stakeholders than just the shareholders and that public institutions need to serve a wider group of interests than just their political masters. The MPSSS solutions draw on international best practice, are deconstructed and recompiled to suit each local situation and then are tailored to fit the client’s organization as a member of its ecosystem of stakeholders. No solution is implemented in isolation as all the significant stakeholders are involved in an organization’s transformation.
We use our hard-earned decades of experience in working with communities to help our clients engage with their stakeholders and develop the social and economic capacity of the communities in support of our client’s strategic objectives, as follows:
MPSSS’ holistic and integrated approach is only possible because of its blend of experience across its team members. All team members are recruited on the basis of having worked, not just in multiple industries, but for both public and private organizations, and having had exposure to large and small clients. This allows any MPSSS team allocated to a client’s project to fully appreciate the formality and structure of big business, the people dynamics inherent in larger organisations, as well as the close-knit interdependence between organisations and their communities and smaller institutions around them. MPSSS’ solutions are built on hard-earned experience, not just fancy academic theory, although we can do that too as we pride ourselves in being able to build a reliable base of researched data before designing a customized solution.
To mobilize communication around programmes and projects for their support and participation.
To champion the establishment of community based institutions to support development programmes.
To empower community members to actively participate and take ownership of their developments.
To create enabling environment for effective implementation of development initiatives an objects at community level
To facilitate networking partnership establishment in order to maximize the impact for programmes.
As a collective we have over 30 years of experience, and have been involved in numerous projects in Southern Africa, within the sphere of Mining, and Infrastructure Development.